Project list created

2024-03-24 | #projects #wiki

Well, I did end up creating a bookstack wiki. Currently with 12 projects in - one of which is a fairly generic “stuff around the house” project, which is actually like 15 tiny ones. Some are going to require more than a weekend, and some are going to require parts like PCBs I can only order once I’m further into the project and know what I need. I know what my first project is going to be though, and it’s creating a better spool holder for the A1 mini.

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Week One Project

2024-03-23 | #3d printing #kindle #project 00 #projects #raspberry pi

So, my “project” for week one is actually a bit of a red-herring, I’m not starting any actual projects. Instead I’m prepping and making sure I’m ready for making future projects. So my goals for this weekend are: - Make a list of current projects - Write a quick summary of the project, and how far along it is. - Make a list of any parts I know need ordering - Get better spool holder.

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Project Goals

2024-03-23 | #projects

Like many of you, I have an ever growing list of little projects I want to make, most of which I’ve started but never finished. Well, I’ve decided to try to change that. I’m setting myself a goal, every weekend I will complete a project - or a part of a project for larger ones. I’ll decide which project in the week leading up to the weekend. I also want to document what I’ve made, both as a project blog but also hopefully get a sort of build guide made.

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